Sunday 23 November 2008

Just got back from my dj gig,.....turned on the TV and i'm listening to RUSS TAFF ( Bless him! You can see it in his eyes and feel it in your soul, especially if you love God, that there is a man who loooooves Jesus!
Anyway, yep its time to get this blog rolling.
Let it not be a suprise to those who know me but are not aware of this side of me.
Just as He Is and very much Alive & Kicking, so is my eschatological side.
OMG, i remember in 1989 hearing about the 2-together-1-left behind story; shook me right to
my pants.
Thats where it all started and by divine providence and grace, its been my favourite subject almost right after perfumery. Addict No 1.
Fast forward to 2008, from Shawn Boonstra to Ed Hindson, John Hagee to Mark Biltz,
Jack Van Impe to the Formidable and prolific Perry Stone (
If you dont know of any of these people, i'll strongly suggest a good google or youtube them.
Friends i strongly believe we could be very close to the time of the end. I'm not scared, i'm not excited, i am alert with a mixed bag of all those emotions. I am pondering with all the stuff we have to do, is He going to tarry or come quickly!
We are certainly in exciting times. You only need to look around you to see.
Wow, Pause, dont be scared but yes that's what it would look like when the powers of heaven fall in that time of excrutiating pain for anyone left in the world-Did you see the footage of the meteor that fell out of the sky and landed in Canada.
Congratulations to President Elect Obama-Please remember him in your prayers.
He is contrary to uninformed opinions, a Christian in the true sense of the word.
Yep he is washed in the blood and he knows it.Let us remember that there is the need to be wise as serpents in this day and age as we look up for our redemtion draweth nigh.
End Times Are We Here Yet?
Got some info, some insight? share. I believe so strongly however let us remember we work until the end. We maximize our talents till the end, we make profit of everything till the end,afterall if you have nothing, then you have nothing to give and thats not talking about one's self as first base. Our talents have been given to us for His glory and our sustenance.
Be Blessed as you enjoy His Grace and Share His love.I'm off to check out the last on whilst y'all sleeping, at least where i'm at
Ciao for now ;)

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