Thursday 27 January 2011


Here's a very interesting and well put together article by the guys at

If you cannot see any of the videos, the original article can be found here.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Staring At Goats: The Baphomet Worship

There are many idols used by the satanic occult as a source of their worship.  Because the occult controls much of media, we are subject to seeing these idols in television, movies, commercials, and music videos.  This is done merely to desensitize us viewers of the images projected at us in order for more people to tolerate and even embrace the occult worship.  As many as idols as there are, none of them are probably more used than the idol known as the Baphomet.

Now before I show you how much of this image is visually fed to us without our knowing,  I want to explain the origins of this idol and why it is so important to the occult today.

The History Of Baphomet & Goat Worship
Goat worship has been documented as far back as the Egyptian civilization.  Ptah, the egyptian god of magic was often depicted as a goat or a ram.  In Egyptian mythology, Ptah was the father of Atum.  Atum was worshipped as the egyptian god Horus (used in Freemasonry).  This egyptian goat worship was primarily seen in the city of Mendes, where they used the same goat image for "Ba" or Osiris.

Ptah/Osiris depicted as a goat

The name "Baphomet" can be traced back to the medieval times of the Knights Templar.  As legend has it, during the time of the Holy Wars, The Knights Templar had lost their views of Christianity and became mystic gnostics.  They began worshipping this gnostic idol which came to be known as Baphomet (the word "Baphomet" is derived from the mispronunciation of"Muhammad" or "Muhomet"). 

 sculpture created by the Templar as representation of Baphomet

artistic depiction of the Templar worshipping the Baphomet idol

Once the church had found out about the Templar's blasphemy, the church had them tried and burned at the stake in 1307.

There is much speculation of how the Baphomet idol had been passed on after this.  Many have claimed that The Templar had influenced their families to also practice in the worship, having many of the wives become mystics.  Some believe that this was the birth of the occult dealings of Wicca.

artistic depiction of wives practicing Wicca through Baphomet worship

In 1853, Catholic priest Eliphas Levi denounced his faith in order to practice in the occult and Rosicrucianism.  Levi was infatuated with the Baphomet idol, claiming to be the source of all power and knowledge.  He is responsible for the most well known image of Baphomet, which depicts the deity as a "god of enlightenment" (the first image shown above).

artistic depiction of Levi practicing witchcraft and mysticism

Satanist/occultist Aleister Crowley had often cited Levi's works, calling him the founder of the Order of The Golden Dawn.  Through Levi's writings about magic, the use of Tarot cards became an even larger phenomenon in western mysticism.

notice the Devil tarot card is represented by the Baphomet idol

In 1966, occultist Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan, using the Baphomet symbol as it's national crest.  It is modernly known as the "Goat of Mendes" named after the Egyptian city that first practiced goat worship.

the Church of Satan's "Goat of Mendes" crest

Baphomet Worship In Music
Now that I have properly given the history behind this occult idol, I will show you how much we are exposed to this image in today's media.

Lady GaGa is always in the public eye for her occult outlandish behavior and odd attire.  What people may not know is that she too has an infatuation for the Baphomet idol.  Here are several pictures of GaGa showing her goat worship:

GaGa wearing goat horns as a hat

GaGa wearing a goat head shaped wig

Lady GaGa also incorporates the goat in many of her music videos:

In the center of the masonic checkerboard patterned wall (0:41 mark)

behind Akon on the wall (2:28 mark)

on the wall beside the man (4:13 mark)

Jonas Akerlund, video director for GaGa's song "Paparazzi", is also very much involved in the occult worship of Baphomet (obviously shown above, wearing the "Goat of Mendes" on his shirt, during the set of "Paparazzi").  Akerlund used to play for a band called Bathory for many years.  Here are a few of his band's album covers that depict the Baphomet idol:

Akerlund has also directed videos for the occult likes of Madonna, Pink, Christina Aguilera, U2 and many others.

Another singer that has become quite the "media prostitute" as of late is former Disney cherry pop star (see what I did there?), Miley Cyrus.  In her latest video, "Cant Be Tamed" she uses the same goat worship as Lady GaGa in her videos:

Behind Miley Cyrus (2:48 mark)

image from the "Cant Be Tamed" video showing two goats

What's even stranger is that Cyrus released some photos a few months ago on her Twitter of her new pet she just bought.  Care to guess what kind of animal it is?:

a goat.

Electronic rock group MGMT has also used hidden goat images in their music videos (there are many other occult images in MGMT's videos that I will analyze at a later time):

goat skull dancing to the right (1:20 mark)

filleted goat head on the floor (0:58 mark)

These are just a few of many music artists that also practice Baphomet goat worship:



Kanye West

It is no surprise that MTV also would join the goat worship.  Just last Christmas, MTV released a commercial to wish everyone a happy holiday.  Here is an analysis of the commercial:

Baphomet Worship In Movies
There are many movies that incorporate the Baphomet worship, some hidden and others are very blatent.  Here are a few recent films that have used goats for hidden occult purposes.

The movie is about an elderly mystic woman that puts a curse on a young girl.  The curse causes the girl to be haunted by a demon that wants to take her back to hell in 3 days.

In the movie, the demon's name is Lamia.  However, if you pause on the trailer to see the shadow of the demon, it is clearly the head of Baphomet (1:53 mark).  Also, when the psychic has a seance with the young woman, they exorcise the demon into none other than a goat.

The movie is the sequel to the 1999 House On Haunted Hill.  This one, however, is straight-to-dvd.  Not because of poor acting or low-budget filming, but because it is the first movie that uses "navigational cinema" where the viewer is able to decide what happens to the characters.  This new advancement of technology seems to be a distraction from the movie's theme itself.  The movie is actually completely centered around the goat idol Baphomet:

This movie is about a young couple haunted by a demon in their home.  Although the demon is never truly identified in the film, there is much evidence to speculate that the entity was Baphomet.  Here is a video analyzing the occult symbolism in the movie:

These are just a few of many movies that also practice Baphomet goat worship:

I hope with all the evidence that I have given, you will be more conscious of what the occult is trying to do the next time your caught staring at goats.

Open Your Mind,

The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati - WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD


Shocking details of the plan of the "illuminated"..... to darkness compared to the
light of God's Word- The Saviour Of The World.

MUST WATCH; Illuminati: Game or Blueprint for World Domination 1 of 3

Bible Prophecy,The Action Men contained therein & The details of their plans???
Judge for yourself.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

As In The Days Of Noah, So Shall It Be In The Days If The Coming Of The Son Of Man.

World business leaders told flying saucers are real & extraterrestrials exist
January 25, 2011
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Graphic summary of GCF discussions by Sunni Brown reveals prominence of ET contact and new energy systems.
At five thousand dollars a ticket, some business leaders got more than they bargained for when they attended the first day of the Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They were told flying saucers are real, and they had better start thinking about the business implications of extraterrestrial life and technologies. Convened each year by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, the GCF brings together business and political leaders to discuss ways of promoting business competitiveness. For the first time at its annual conference, the GCF held a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Titled “Learning from Outer Space” the panel comprised five speakers who all endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life is real, and has many implications for the world as we know it.

The panel was held on January 23, and was a “main plenary” session meaning all GCF participants were able to attend and hear what the experts had to say about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Up to 1000 participants included business and political elites such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others. The advice they got was that the issue of extraterrestrial life is real, and they better start paying attention to the business implications. Here’s how the GCF summarized the panel presentations on its website:

Learning from Outer Space – Panel
The unconventional and highly relevant topic of extraterrestrial life forms was addressed by yesterday’s panel discussion “Contact: Learning from Outer Space”. Experts Zoaghloul El-Naggar, Stanton Friedman, Michio Kaku, Nick Pope and Jacques Vallee made compelling cases for the existence of living beings elsewhere in the galaxy, drawing upon empirical evidence, religious theology and logical reasoning.
Mr. Friedman opened his remarks with a bold statement, “Flying saucers are real!” and this summed up the perspective of the panel members. Mr. Pope explored the potential business implications of outer space, such as the profitability of alien branding or sponsorship.
While El-Naggar was also convinced of their existence, he raised the interesting point that it may not be ethical to spend resources trying to contact alien societies when we still face war and poverty in our own society.
Mr. Vallee encouraged more academics to analyze the evidence. However, on behalf of his successful Venture Capital fund, he said, “We are not ready to invest in this type of research, but we think that somebody should.”

The 2011 GCF conference panel on Outer Space has opened the door for world business leaders to seriously consider the implications of evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. A graphic summarizing GCF discussions by artist, Sunni Brown (top right), reveals the prominence given to issues of extraterrestrial contact and the overwhelming changes new energies will bring to humanity. Business leaders are poised to do what political leaders have so far failed to do – proactively deal with compelling evidence that we are being visited by galactic civilizations who have advanced technologies to share with humanity.

Further Reading:

World business leaders to discuss UFOs & extraterrestrial life
Scientists endorse study of societal consequences of extraterrestrial life
Mystery behind initial report of UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact
Princeton University astrobiology certificate explores potential for extraterrestrial life
Stephen Hawking launches exopolitics debate
© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

Watchman Video Broadcast 01-23-11, The Great Falling Away Part 2

The New Age, Rick Warren, Glenn Beck, Alleister Crowley, and the Great Falling Away Part 2

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Tuesday 18 January 2011


People say there is no difference between COMPLETE & FINISHED...But there is!

When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE...And when you marry the 

wrong one, you are FINISHED...And when the right one catches you with the wrong one,


AV B 2011

RUSSIA TODAY 'America will collapse' After a collapse, the only thing left is crime. This is a must see video Friday, January 14, 2011 04:22:07



"Black Swan"-- Hollywood Preaches Satanism

January 16, 2011

Natalie_Portman_Black_Swan.jpgDo we need additional proof that mankind is  controlled by a satanic cult? 

The Illuminati uses movies (and entertainment in general) to spread its occult dogma. Most critics are simply too dense to recognize the truth and sound the alarm.

Christianity is forbidden in the public sphere but spreading Satanism is OK? So that's "secular" society.

One woman we know who saw this movie was so disturbed, she broke down at work the next day. 

BTW, doesn't Portman look ridiculous in this picture?  

by Marcos

Black Swan is one of those movies that leave you with a sick feeling in your gut. The reason is that it makes a very convincing case in favor evil.

The movie stars Natalie Portman (née Natalie Harshlag, from Jerusalem), directed by a Jew from Brooklyn who lived in a kibbutz in Israel, Darren Aronofsky and produced by a company named "Phoenix". Aronofsky had his debut with the movie "Pi", whose main theme kaballah and Jewish occult numerology.


Nina (Portman) is a ballet dancer in New York. The movie starts with a dream where Nina dances with a seductive male dancer, an Antonio Banderas type who suddenly changes into a demon, horns and all.

Nina still sleeps in her childhood bedroom, surrounded by plush dolls and pink decorations. She is anorexic, has no boyfriend, is possibly schizophrenic and scratches herself until she bleeds. Her mother is a disciplinarian who wants Nina to be the first dancer in the company.

Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel) is the French director who has just fired the first dancer from the company, Beth (Wynona Rider, nee Horowitz), after having seduced her.

Beth is approaching 30, and is disposable. After being fired, she is hit by a car and goes to the hospital. Thomas decides that he will produce the ballet "Black Swan" with the same dancer playing good white swan and the evil black swan. Nina is his choice, but he thinks she is too good and sweet and, although she can be the best white swan, she needs to find her evil nature in order to play the black swan.

Nina meets a bad girl named Lily (Mila Kunis, another Jewish actress), a dancer and competitor for the role. She has a tattoo of black swan's wings on her back, meaning she already belongs to evil.

She takes Nina to a bar and a disco, introduces her to drugs, casual sex with men and has lesbian sex with her afterward. Because of the wild party, Nina is late to the rehearsal and almost loses the role to Lily herself. In the movie, we don't know if Nina is imagining everything or if it really happened.

During opening night, Nina plays the White Swan and falls on stage. At her dressing room, during interlude, she is mocked by one of the dancers, who tells her she will fail and starts a fight.

Nina pushes her to a wall mirror, which shatters. She then proceeds to stab the dancer with a glass piece and changes into a demonic black swan. She performs wonderfully and, at the end, we find that in reality she stabbed herself and is dying. Her last words are: "Now I am perfect."
hillary-clinton-and-natalie-portman.jpg(Natalie, put on a bra! Hillary can't concentrate!)


Black Swan is a movie about mind control and demonic possession. Its main message is that you can't achieve greatness without selling your soul to the devil and connecting with the evil inside.

Nina's controller is her mother. She was unable to develop and is still a child psychologically and sexually. Her bedroom's wallpaper is covered with butterflies, a reminder of Monarch programming.

When she is ripe and technically disciplined, her handler, Leroy ("The King" in French) enters her life and introduces her to evil, with the help of Lily (Lilith?).

He seduces her but doesn't have sex with her. He just awakens her lust and greed. In a key scene, we see Leroy and Nina at his flat, where a stylized Baphomet is displayed on the wall.

Her gala night also takes place in a building where we see a huge statue of a black angel, obviously Lucifer. Nina is being invited to Satan's side, and the reward is fame and success.

There are occult signals all over the movie, starting with the black and white duality and going through mirrors.

Nina and her mother have their mirror images switched in one scene, meaning the mother has to program the daughter to be a replica of herself.

In the end, when Nina shatters the mirror, it means she broke her personality in multiples and is ready to be possessed. She graphically changes into a demon in the screen.

It is very possible that Portman will get an Oscar for the role, in confirmation of what the movie teaches. She is an insider. That would make the movie more a ritual than fiction, much like Madonna's kiss on Britney Spears. On the internet, Portman is well known as a mind control puppet.


Perhaps we should pay attention to the "failed" dancer Beth, who Nina replaced.  Like other mind control slaves, she loses her programming as she gets near to age 30, and is discarded or killed.

After Nina tells Beth that she wanted to be "perfect" like her, Beth says: "Perfect? I am nothing."  That's the fate of those who believe Satan's lies.
